When you go away on holiday you need to try and make your home secure as possible as no one wants to have to worry about being broken in to. Although you can never guarantee that this will not happen there are steps you can take to try and reduce the possibility of it happening.
Installing CCTV is a must for added security, although this is not just something that should be used when you are on holiday.
Do a bit of research in to what type of system you want for your home. If cost is an issue then you may want to go for an IP camera like the ones you can get on places such as Amazon or Ebay as they are often only between £30 and £50 each. They can usually be linked up to your device so you can access the footage whenever you want to wherever you are. Often you can set up alerts and it will either email you or play a notification on your mobile device when there is movement picked up. This may give you enough time to report the crime to the police or at least footage to use should the case go to court.