If you are a business owner then you will probably be conscious about office security. It my be that you keep money on site or have large amounts of valuable stock or possibly that the equipment you use such as computers, is of high value. Although you may have insurance that will cover you should your premises get broken in to and theft or damage occur, this can be a hassle and often doesn’t get sorted out quickly. You may have to shut down for a week or so until you can get the money from the insurance company to carry on. Ideally you need to try and prevent this from happening in the first place.
Having CCTV, a good alarm and reporting system and secure locks on all doors and windows is essential in protecting your premises. You need to make sure that there are only one or two people with keys to the office and that actions are traceable. You may need to give each person a personalised fob that they can use to enter and exit the building. This allows a log to be stored to show who has entered or left and at what time. This can be useful if you are trying to establish who was the last person to leave the office before the burglary took place.